
Saturday 18 May 2013

Professional Course


Finish my 2nd phase REBT(Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy) Course today. Tinggal another 1 to go, next month. Yesterday, I've done my part as co (read counselor), and today I have to be cl (read client).

For me, my issue isn't that big or critical but since it's always there, comes and go whenever "it" likes, so I think i just have to share with my co. After sharing, we discuss about my irrational beliefs so we've got 3. 1) My happiness depends on others 2) I must have what I want 3) Bad people has to be punish. 

Well, I've never realize or admit it out loud. So this session makes me realize and make it vocal. Even though I'm ok and stable and not affected so much by previous experience but as i said earlier, it's still there and sometimes make me sad (Time tak rasional la, time rasional, no problem, boleh je tengok and realize hikmah apa yang dah jadi tu, tapi ada masa terlupa and sad tu pon datanglah menjengah..hihi).

After discussion (Debating,Disputing), these are things I have to realize so I wont be upset anymore (untuk wujudkan rational Consequense and rational beliefs):-
1) Apa yang berlaku sebelum ni, dah pun berlaku. Hidup mesti diteruskan dan kebahagiaan sy terletak pada diri sendiri. Saya yang tentukan my own happiness. 
2) Memanglah seronok kalau kita dapat semua yang kita nak, tapi xsemestinya semua yang kita nak, kita akan dapat. Allah lebih tahu apa yang terbaik untuk sy.
3) Memang orang dah buat benda yang tidak elok, tapi benda dah berlaku. Fikir pun tak membawa apa2 faedah. SAya ada pilihan untuk let go isu ini & live a happy life. Orang yang buat salah tu baik, cuma sikapnya sahaja tak baik. Saya pilih untuk memaafkannya sebab saya nak bahagia. =)

I have to rehearse this new Rational words so I wont suffer this "on n off" sadness anymore. Moga Allah permudahkan. (InsyaALLAH one day I'll share about REBT and how it works to help ourself or clients- now xlarat..hihi..penangan kursus weekend).=)

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